Morning Chaos

Morning Chaos

Are your mornings chaotic? In my house, mornings looked like outfit negotiations, breakfast requests, lost shoes, and hair brushing refusal. If even one of these sounds familiar, I think I can help!

This might sound simple and obvious, but preparing the night before makes a HUGE difference. Implementing any of these that seem relevant to you can help streamline your mornings for a bit more peace.

This might sound simple and obvious, but preparing the night before makes a HUGE difference. Implementing any of these that seem relevant to you can help streamline your mornings for a bit more peace.

  1. Pack all lunches and make breakfast. Fill everyone’s cup with their favorite drink and leave it in all in the fridge overnight.
  2. Have kids pick out their outfit (including accessories) and leave it wherever they get ready. If you have infants/toddlers, put some of their outfit on the night before.
  3. Take out jackets and shoes and leave them by the door to easily slip on. Think- firefighter when the fire alarm sounds!
  4. Pack up all homework, forms, books, electronics, etc so nothing is forgotten. Sometimes I even just put it in the car at night.
  5. Prep your coffee and breakfast too. Don’t forget to take care of you!

We started doing this about two months ago and it cut down our morning routine from 90 to 30 minutes! I can even sit down and have breakfast to connect with my kids before school instead of rushing around. I hope this can help you the way it has helped us!

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